The Curriculum

La Chouette School follows the French National Curriculum set by the French governing body “l’Education Nationale’”. Class levels are determined by children’s year of birth.

Class levels in September 2024/2025

The Chipmunks Class: children born in 2023

The Cubs Class : children born in 2022

The Foxes Class : children born between 2021 and 2019


L’Education Nationale’s Curriculum

The French primary system is divided into 3 overall “cycles”: “cycle 1, cycle 2, cycle 3” From September 2011 onwards, La Chouette School will be composed of the 4 class levels of the 1st “cycle”, that is, “pre-school” (“l’ecole maternelle”)

The Areas of Learning of the 1st ‘cycle’ are as follows:

La Chouette School gets extra marks for the following!

The curriculum will be taught in French by a French native language speaker, and in English by a teacher whose mother tongue is English.

The school offers complete bilingual education, all the while ensuring that the child’s mother tongue is well acquired. If needed, weekly additional learning support will also be available to children.

To the area of ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’, La Chouette School will be adding an entire section on “Raising awareness about the importance of protecting our planet”.  The children will subsequently be involved in many exciting awareness-raising projects throughout the school year.

Lots of different activities will be on offer, ranging from sporting, to artistic (Music…), as well as cultural ( museums, shows…)

Early Years Foundation Stage comparison

Main areas covered in both the French and English curriculums:

Mobiliser le langage dans toutes ses dimensions -> Communication, Language and Literacy

Devenir élève-> Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Agir, comprendre, s’exprimer a travers l’activité physique -> Physical Development

Explorer le monde et Construire les outils pour structure sa pens -> Knowledge and Understanding of the World + Mathematics

Agir, s’exprimer, comprendre a travers les activités artistiques -> Expressive Art & Design

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or, you can also click on the link below to view the French National Curriculum as set by the ‘’Ministère de l’Education Nationale’’ website More information on the Early Years Foundation Stage can be found on the Department For Education website.

Class levels between the French and English systems:

The French System The English System
Creche (3 mois - 2 ans)
Nursery (3 months-4 years old)
Toute Petite Section (2-3 years old)
Reception (4-5 years old)
Petite Section (3-4 years old)
Year 1 (5-6 years old)
Moyenne Section (4-5 years old)
Grande Section (5-6 years old)

Our Classrooms

The Chipmunks

Welcome to our Chipmunks Class
Coming Soon…

The Cubs

Coming Soon…

The Foxes

Coming Soon…

Our Extracurricular Activities

Ms Pascale Dance

Every Monday we welcome Miss Pascale.

Please find below their description

It strengthens and complements this development through the following fundamental aims:

Awareness of oneself, through educational rhythmic exercises, progressive lateralisation, gentle stretching exercises and workingon balance teaches children to overcome spatial inhibitions.

Awareness of others. Emphasis is given to working in a group, or in pairs. Each child learns to become part of the group, to hold back and be tolerant, to share and take turns in an atmosphere of gentle order and discipline.

Discovery of space rhythm and coordination. While becoming aware that they have a body that they can control, children must place themselves in relation to others and to objects.

Sense of play and of effort. It is not possible to keep children’s attention over a long period without using their taste for games. Children need to be surprised, to compete, to mimic. This is constantly exploited through the use of educational play. These periods alternate with times of great physical and mental concentration which demand that the child shows and develops his ability to make an effort. We believe that teaching solely through play has a limited effect; games do not increase the child’s ability unless used as a reward for an initial sustained effort.

Creativity. We like to favour the creativity of children, through the use of mimed songs, free dance, improvisation and stories drawn from the children’s imagination. Children can, in this way, free the body that they have learned to control.

The Elms, Sports in Schools

Sessions are created to allow children to explore and discover the fundamentals of movement and co-ordination. In preparation for KS1 children will learn about ABC’s (agility, balance, co-ordination) and foot/hand-eye co-ordination.


At Hartbeeps we put your child at the heart of our magical, musical adventures. We offer original and super fun, developmental pre-school classes.

Our Clubs

Several clubs are on offer and will be up and running by mid-September depending on the number of subscriptions. The school reserves the right to cancel a club if less than 5 children are subscribed to it.

The list below is only an example of what we can offer.

Cooking Club

Mondays (3.30pm-4.45pm)

Children will cook up a storm, making both sweet and savoury treats in relation to seasons, events and festivities…

Arts and Crafts Club

Wednesdays (12.30pm-3.30pm)

Discover different mediums and learn to sculp, make, build…Unleash your creative side!

Sports Club

Thursdays (3.30pm-4.45pm)

A fun and exciting way to physical development!

Note: These clubs will be on offer from the start of the year, but additional exciting clubs such as Spanish, Drama, Music… will also be on offer during the course of the year. 

Our Before & After School Care

School care facilities are available every day for our early starters and late stayers:

Every morning: 8.00am-9.00am and every afternoon: 3.30pm-6.00pm.

For security reasons, the school doors will remain closed even during these times, so please ring the doorbell.


La Chouette School’s canteen is a welcoming and calm space for your child to enjoy his meals with his peers and at his own pace. Lunch supervisors are present to ensure that your child is well catered for and will only encourage, never force, them to finish their meals.

The school strongly believes in well-balanced and nutritious meals based on fresh produce that is in season.

However, if your child has food allergies, we advise you to provide them with a packed lunch.

The weekly menus are available online.

The School Tour

Coming soon…

Outdoor Fun

Children can enjoy a large recreational playground area dedicated to the nursery school!
